Video: Princess Zahra Aga Khan’s Introductory Remarks at the 8th Annual Pluralism Lecture Presented by Acclaimed Ethiopian Novelist Maaza Mengiste

Member, Board of Directors, The Global Centre for Pluralism

Watch the program in its entirety on the YouTube link below. Princess Zahra Aga Khan’s introductory remarks commence at approximately the 12:19 minute mark. Barakah will post the transcript of Princess Zahra’s remarks as soon as it becomes available.

Date posted: May 19, 2021.


Princess Zahra, the eldest child of Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan, heads the Social Welfare Department located within the French Delegation of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). She has policy and management responsibility for the health, education, and planning and building services companies of AKDN. She also plays a key role in policy and strategy matters relating to the other social development institutions of the Network. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Aga Khan University and works with institutions supported by the Ismaili Muslim community in the areas of social welfare, women’s activities and youth programs. She is also one of eleven board members on the Global Centre for Pluralism, which is chaired by Mawlana Hazar Imam.

In the photo shown with her profile, Princess Zahra is seen being honoured with the Roy M. Huffington Award by President Bonna Kol at the Asia Society Texas Center Huffington Award Dinner hosted on October 10, 2019. She received the Award in recognition of her work, through the Aga Khan Development Network, advancing healthcare and education around the world.


This website, Barakah, is a special project by and is dedicated to the textual and visual celebration of His Highness the Aga Khan, members of his family and the Ismaili Imamat. Before departing this website please take a moment to visit Barakah’s Home Page with links to more than 250 thoughtful articles, photo essays and tributes to Mawlana Hazar Imam.

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