Barakah: A Dedication to Hazar Imam

Barakah was launched to celebrate the Aga Khan’s Diamond Jubilee, but this project will continue beyond the Jubilee Year

(Publisher/Editor Barakah, Simerg and Simergphotos)

PUBLISHER’S NOTE (August 22, 2018): The Diamond Jubilee Year of Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan, ended with the celebration of a magnificent Darbar in Lisbon on July 11, 2018. However, Barakah will continue celebrating the 49th Imam’s glorious Imamat with special features and essays about him, and we look forward to our readers’ continuing support in this momentous and exciting period in Ismaili history. For complete list of articles on this website please click Table of Contents.

His Highness the Aga Khan, direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), through his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, the first Imam, and his wife Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter, became the forty-ninth hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims at the age of twenty on 11th July, 1957.

Since his accession to the Imamat, His Highness has described his responsibilities as encompassing not only the interpretation of matters of faith, but also the social, cultural and economic spheres. This engagement, grounded in Islam’s message of the fundamental unity of din and dunya – spirit and life – and guided by the ethics of Islam that bridge faith and society, has led to initiatives that, since 1957, have had a profound impact on the lives of millions of individuals, without regard to their origin, gender or faith. His Highness the Aga Khan has guided the spiritual growth of his followers, and worked tirelessly for the well-being not only of Ismaili communities worldwide, but also the material progress of the broader societies in which they live. He has articulated that education, self-help, unity, tolerance and generosity, as well as the ethic of maintaining a balance between the spiritual and temporal, are elements which keep a community vibrant and lead to enlightenment and dignity.

On 11th July, 2017, Ismailis around the world, along with the wider societies within which they live, will celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the accession to the Imamat of His Highness the Aga Khan.

(GERMANY OUT) Aga Khan IV., Prinz Karim *13.12.1936- Imam der Ismaeliten (Ismaeli Sekte), Unternehmer, GB - Portrait, laechelt - 1960 (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)
His Highness the Aga Khan, 49th Hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims (© Ulstein Bild, Getty Images, 1960).

His Highness the Aga Khan: A Visual and Textual Celebration, 1957-2017

Over the course of the next several months, Barakah* will illustrate the remarkable and inspiring life of His Highness the Aga Khan through a unique project titled “His Highness the Aga Khan: A Visual and Textual Celebration, 1957-2017”, which will include rare photographs, eyewitness accounts, descriptive essays, in-depth articles, insightful interviews, detailed timelines, as well as audio and video recordings.

Barakah hopes to provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the remarkable work that His Highness the Aga Khan has accomplished in all spheres of human endeavour. We hope that our readers’ perception and understanding of the unique nature of the Ismaili Imam and the Imamat will be strengthened through Barakah.

Date updated: August 22, 2018.

(For links to all the pieces on this website, please click on Table of Contents).


Copyright notice: The photo of His Highness the Aga Khan shown above is reproduced under a licensing arrangement with Getty Images. Reproduction or distribution of the photo without prior written permission from Getty Images is strictly prohibited.

What is Barakah?

*Barakah is a word derived from the Arabic root b-r-k, and its most fundamental meaning is ‘Blessing’, conferred by the Divine upon humankind — a Divine Blessing with an intent to increase goodness to a thing. The Arabic word forms the logo design shown at the top of this page.

This website is an independent initiative by Simerg, and is not affiliated with any other organization or institution. Please also visit and


  1. I don’t particularly know or care as to source of funding for AKDN projects. All I know is the results which are undeniable. Hundreds of thousands of people have an improved quality of life because of access to education, healthcare, betterment of economic standing, housing etc.
    For that AKDN should take a bow. The people who have benefited are not of any one religion, race or background. They have two things in common- being human beings and in need of help.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Without financial resources provided by several Western countries, AKDN would NOT have achieved many of its objectives.

    As AKF celebrates its 50th Anniversary, let us express our profound gratitude and deep appreciation to the North American and Western European Donor Aid Agencies.



      It is because the AKDN was successful, and the West saw the evidence of that success that the West started contributing, not the other way round. You are putting the cart before the horse.

      So, for your information, the AKDN was already successful, prior to the aid from the West.

      Maybe, you should try and set up your own development agencies and see how you do. Of course, if you are not successful, don’t expect any help from the West.

      But then misguided people like you who don’t appreciate what others do for the betterment of the world, never get very far. They are there just to criticise and enrich themselves but see everyone who is doing good in a negative light because they themselves cannot reach that pinnacle of goodness themselves.

      Liked by 2 people

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